Komos or komazein was that veneration form practised for the screw and wine god by growing and unrestrainable bands wandering with dances and singings in an unceasing jubilation. The myth-rite of Dionysus is understood as an original moment of Carnival Parties. It had a remarkable development around about the II sec aC. in all the Puglia, so as already testified by the Apula ceramics starting from the IV sec aC with findings also in the putignanese area. The ceremonies in Bacchus-Dionysus honour, starting from Greek cultural elements, above all in the change of the Orphic mysteries (popular and rural) were joined to elements of the native folk giving life to a local cultural phenomenon of wide proportions which clearly assumed a way a characterization. To this purpose we must remind of the bloom of the fliacica comedy, of the clowns/imps of native origin than from a part they were parodying the traditional tragic heroes, from other they sneered the powerful.

about us  

    The Theatrical Hybris Association, proposes this reading key to intent to make the audience revive the original moment of the Putignano Carnival, and in a particular way the "party of the ramifications" emotional and involving of the "ancient carnival".




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Theatrical Association Hybris: Via Conversano, 4  -  70017 Putignano (Ba)        Phone:  +393406172533       E-mail:  info@hybris.ba.it